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Bands mean Table of FRL, PGL, NSL, NGL, Stations, RD’s etc.

i.                     Select Graph, profile, boundary, surface etc and Right Click

ii.                   Profile view properties

iii.                 Enter name Design Level, Natural Ground Level, Station etc

iv.                 Stations see first and last station or RD

v.                   Elevation see minimum and maximum elevation ( can change this)

vi.                 Profiles ( see surface name and profile name should be here)

vii.                And then Bands

viii.              Select already appeared band

ix.                  Delete this band ( for delete select the band and click on red X right middle under arrows)

x.                   Apply and Ok ( already c3d self created band should be deleted)

xi.                  Now select the graph and right click

xii.                Profile view properties

xiii.              Bands

xiv.              Select Band style

xv.                Click on Icon’s arrow in front of cut data

xvi.              From drop down menu click at create new

xvii.             Profile data band style ( window open)

xviii.           Information Name (xyz etc) such as Design Level

xix.              Band details

xx.                Title text (Compose label)

xxi.              Anchor Point  change to Middle center (In properties General)

xxii.             Attachment change to Middle center (in Text)

xxiii.           Contents profile data click at (…)

xxiv.           Text profile data will be shown in the view

xxv.             Delete this text and re enter the text Design level or Natural Ground Level or Station

xxvi.           Ok and OK

xxvii.         Return to the profile view properties (window)

xxviii.        Labels and Ticks

xxix.           Major station checked the Top and Bottom options and change the both tick size

xxx.             Compose label

xxxi.           Label style composer- major station (window will open)

xxxii.         Click at red (X) and delete station value

xxxiii.        Profile 1 Elevation will be appeared at the place of station value

xxxiv.        General – Name- Design level, Natural Ground Level etc

xxxv.          TEXT- Attachment change to Middle center

xxxvi.        Text height 2mm, 3mm, 4mm etc

xxxvii.      Contents (profile 1 elevation) click at (…)

xxxviii.    New window will open text component editor

xxxix.        Select  the whole text which shown in the view

xl.                  And change the precision to 0.01, 0.001. 0.000 etc

xli.                Then click under properties and click at profile 1 elevation

xlii.              From drop down menu select profile 2 elevation

xliii.            And change the precision 0.01,0.001,0.000 etc

xliv.             Then click on arrow in front of properties profile 2 elevation

xlv.              Ok and OK ( Return to profile data band style window)

xlvi.             Labels and Ticks At:

xlvii.           Minor Station ( Unchecked or deselect top and bottom)

xlviii.         Click at compose label

xlix.             Click at red (X) 2 time and delete station elevation and profile 1 elevation

l.                     Same above 3 steps for horizontal geometry point and vertical geometry point

li.                   Select Station Equation and unchecked the top and bottom

lii.                 Remember here will not click at compose label

liii.                OK

liv.                Then click at ADD>> icon

lv.                 After add the band into the table change profile1 and Profile2 to Design ( it is just for FRL,PGL  Band not for Ground or NSL or Station bands)

lvi.                Same process for other bands which we need to ADD just change name of the Band but lick Design level band in other bands profile1 and profile2 will not change, it will be same it is.

lvii.              For station or RD

lviii.            Band

lix.                Create new

lx.                  Station (Name)

lxi.                Band Details

lxii.              Compose labels

lxiii.            Station (Name)

lxiv.             Anchor Point change to Middle center

lxv.              Text Attachment change to Middle Center

lxvi.             Text Height 2mm,3mm etc

lxvii.           Contents click at (…) icon

lxviii.         Delete text profile data and re enter the text STATION

lxix.             Labels and tick AT:

lxx.              Same as above created bands,

lxxi.             But here  delete profile 1 elevation

lxxii.           Station value will not be deleted

lxxiii.         ADD>>

lxxiv.         Apply and OK

lxxv.           The Design Elevation, Ground Elevation or NSL and Stations should be attached with the graph.

lxxvi.         We can change the gap between the bands and size of bands to right click at any band

lxxvii.        Edit band style

lxxviii.      Layout etc

lxxix.         In the profile view properties can change the gap between the bands

lxxx.           Click at Gap in the front of Band name

lxxxi.         OK





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