01.   IMPORT POINTS in AutoCAD Civil 3D

If You Have Follow the Step as described below, then you will be able to import 

easily your points to AutoCAD Civil 3D, Without facing any problem and issue.

For More Information and Videos please visit Civil Surveyor YouTube Channel.

I)                    Import survey data or topographic data in computer.

II)                  Convert data to Ms. Excel and file save as CSV (Comma delimited) file type.

III)                 All the data should be serial wise and A to Z.

Now open civil 3d.

i.                     File

ii.                   Save

iii.                 Unit (for unit write un in command line and press enter button)

iv.                 Metric, feet, inches, engineering etc.

v.                   Ok

vi.                 Main menu

vii.                Points (click)

viii.              Points creation tools

ix.                  Import files (icon)

x.                   Click on + plus sign

xi.                  Select source file which we have save as csv (comma delimited)

xii.                Choose or select PENZ (comma delimited) file type in civil 3d

xiii.              Ok (point will have transferred to civil 3d)

xiv.              Press Z and then A enter or E enter to watch the imported points or data

xv.                Noted that just point will be shown in this shape (x) no other detail have appeared with the points such as point number, elevation, Easting Northing etc. If we need these descriptions with our points so……

xvi.              In toolbar click or press at TOOL SPACE (which is available at lift top in main toolbars)

xvii.             Press at Prospector (it is in Tool space in vertical form)

xviii.           Press + sign near points groups

xix.              Right click at All Points

xx.                Select properties (A new window will be open)

xxi.              Click at Point Style and select BASIC

xxii.             Then Click at Point Label style and select an option which required (Description only, point number, elevation only, Easting & Northing) etc.

xxiii.           APPLY and OK

xxiv.           Watch the result (can change the scale at the bottom click on Annotation scale        1:500 1:250 etc.